OSPA | Award Oversight
Upon the release of sponsored awards, we ensure compliance with University policies, federal, state, local laws, requirements, and sponsor terms and conditions guidelines on:
✓ Creating Fund Numbers
✓ Assumption of Risks (AOR)
✓ Sponsored Projects Activities
✓ Electronic Personnel Actions
✓ Subawards/Subcontracts Invoicing

Guidelines, Policies & more

Create Fund Numbers
Before any spending can be authorized for new grant sponsored awards, OSPA must create fund numbers. These resources help the process along.

Assumption of Risk (AOR)
Assumption of Risks are used to inform the potential risks associated with the potential project and allow the College/department to choose if they want to incur the risk(s).
Researchers can complete the AOR form through the Niner Research System.

Review & Approve of Sponsored Projects Activities
Review and approve action items via the 49er Mart, Perceptive Content, Niner Works, and other related systems.

Review & Approve of Electronic Personnel Actions
Review and approve action items via the 49er Mart, Perceptive Content, Niner Works, and other related systems.

Review & Manage Subawards/Subcontracts Invoicing
OSPA works with the Office of Research Services to ensure all subawards and subcontracts originally written into the approved grant sponsored projects meet the funding guidelines and are invoiced in compliance with those guidelines.
Submit subaward invoicing to gca-postaward@charlotte.edu.
- Administrative Post Award Action Items for New Sponsor Award
- Cost Share Non-Personnel Form
- Cost Share – Payroll Cost Share Form
- Cost Transfer Justification Form
- GCA Sponsored Activity Release Time Form (Updated 10/28/21)
- Tuition/Scholarship Payment Form
- Niner Talent Checklist
- Closeout Notices
ensuring financial compliance and proper accounting
From the moment an award is released, OSPA joins the project, providing fiscal management including daily transactional support to faculty and college-based post-award staff. This includes setting up grant award fund numbers, managing award budgets and subaward invoices, and ensuring every aspect of the award is compliant with local, state, and federal guidelines.
We invite you to explore these resources to better understand and navigate new grant sponsored awards.