Office of Sponsored Projects Administration (OSPA)

Award Oversight
Upon the release of sponsored awards, we ensure compliance with University policies, federal, state, local laws, requirements, and sponsor terms and conditions guidelines on:
✓ Creating Fund Numbers
✓ Assumption of Risks (AOR)
✓ Sponsored Projects Activities
✓ Electronic Personnel Actions
✓ Subawards/Subcontracts InvoicingResearch Journey Shortcuts:

Financial Compliance
The Office of Sponsored Projects Administration (OSPA) is the go-to for helping Principal Investigators (PIs) and departmental administrators safeguard project funds, maximize cash flow, maintain relations with sponsors and campus personnel. Key tasks:
✓ Overseeing Financial Reporting
✓ Tracking New Award Releases
✓ Review Internal & External Audits
OSPA monitors the financial activities of subrecipients, including sub-awards, processes sub-award invoicing, and conducts desk reviews, to ensure compliance with all University, State, Federal, and Sponsor requirements to ensure proper stewardship of sponsor funds. We are also a key go-to for the following:
✓ Generate Annual Single Audit Certification Report
✓ Conduct Desk ReviewsQuestions? | Email

Closing Out sponsored projects
OSPA supports all sponsored projects and awards through completion and closeout. That means closely monitoring project end dates, ensuring all budget release approvals are complete, final financial expenditure reporting, and final patent/invention reporting.
✓ Review/Manage Gant Fund Expenditures
✓ Generate Final Expenditure & Financial Reports
✓ Generate Financial Reports for Patents/Inventions
OSPA Teams
OSPA Award Negotiation Team
OSPA Award Management Team
OSPA Executive
Darlene “Darl” Booker,
ORPI Associate Director and COI Officer
Sherry Loyd
Cat Runden
IRB Specialist
Tyler Forgette
IRB Specialist 704-687-8341
Dr. Cathy Moore
Facility Security Officer and Export Control Officer
John Jacobs
Dr. Linda Connolly
Research Protections and Integrity Specialist
Lacy Kitchin
Research Protections and Integrity Consultant
Mary Tomida
Dr. Glicerio Ignacio
Animal Care Manager, Laboratory Animal Resources
Sarah Moldovan
Animal Care Assistant Manager, Laboratory Animal Resources
Alvaro Perez
Research Specialist, Laboratory Animal Resources
Hernando Gordils
Research Technician, Laboratory Animal Resources
Melissa Richardson
***Add a general phone or email, or the link to ‘find your contact’
UNC Systems Office of Grant Management: “Contracts and Grants Standards”
National Science Foundation NSF link for “Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide“
Federal Agencies guidance on Prior approval matrix “Appendix A Prior Approval Matrix”
Post Award Management
The Post Award Management Team is responsible for providing fiscal management of sponsored funds awarded to the University, including the daily transactional support to faculty and college-based post-award staff. This group is also responsible for overall sponsored program financial reporting compliance. They manage the University’s sponsored programs’ cash management through billing and fiscal reporting. They also interface with the University Controller’s office and assist the Controller with year-end closing. In addition to their primary responsibility for sponsored programs Federal draw-downs, this group is responsible for all Federal financial aid draw-downs.
Award Management Contacts:
Darlene “Darl” Booker, Director of Grants and Contracts Administration, 704-687-1873
Kathy Edwards, Sr. Research Administrator, 704-687-1858
Lynda Lockman – Sr. Research Administrator, 704-687-1859
Christelle McKinney, Sr. Reporting and Subrecipient Compliance Specialist, 704-687-1886
Lauren Gunderman, Sr. Research Administrator, 704-687-8206
Shawnee Haney, Sr. Research Administrator, 704-687-5148
Krystal Hunter, Sr. Research Administrator, 704-687-1875
Madie Smith – Post Award Research Administrator, 704-687-1865
Brianna Fischer – Post Award Research Administrator, 704-687-TBD
F & A Distribution
Principal Investigator Facilities and Administration (PI F&A) Return Information
- Guidelines for Charging Facilities & Administrative Costs
- FAQs – F&A Distributions Frequently Asked Questions
Post Award Management Forms
- Administrative Post Award Action Items for New Sponsor Award
- Cost Share Non-Personnel Form
- Cost Share – Payroll Cost Share Form
- Cost Transfer Justification Form
- Niner Talent Checklist
- GCA Sponsored Activity Release Time Form (Updated 10/28/21)
- Tuition/Scholarship Payment Form
- Closeout Notices

- Setup Fund Numbers For Grant Awards
- Oversee Assumption of Risks (AOR)
- Review & Approve Sponsored Projects Activities
- Review & Approve Electronic Personnel Actions
- Review & Manage Subawards/ Subcontracts Invoicing
- Oversee Financial Reporting
- Deliver Agency Sponsored Award Financial Reports & Patent/Invention Reports
- Track New Award Releases
- Review Internal & External Audits
- Generate Annual Single Audit Certification Report
- Monitor Subrecipients
- Conduct Desk Reviews
- Review/Manage Gant Fund Expenditures
- Generate Final Expenditure & Financial Reports
- Generate Financial Reports for Patents/Inventions
“We care deeply about the sponsored projects and seeing that the principal investigators (PIs) make a positive difference with their work. So we are committed to making sure there are no compliance weaknesses or short-comings so we can continue to receive funding into the university.”
~Darl Booker, PhD, OSPA Executive Director