Developing Proposal

This section is built to help you navigate the development and writing of your proposal, from start to finish. You’ll interface primarily with the Office of Research Services and the Office of Research Protections & Integrity. Keep in mind, proposals can look different if you’re collaborating with other individuals and/or entities, and if you’re seeking internal or external grants. UNC Charlotte also offers several resources to help you locate funding sources for your project.

The goal of Catalyst is to enhance the research capacity of the University and institutionalize systemic support for the advancement and success of early- and mid-career faculty by: (1) providing comprehensive training in the preparation of competitive grant proposals, (2) establishing a research mentoring program, and (3) creating a community of practice aimed at facilitating and promoting the engagement of diverse groups of faculty in disciplinary and interdisciplinary research.
Find information on Catalyst here.

CLIPP (Complex, Large, or Interdisciplinary Proposal Preparation): CLIPP is intended to help build the research capacity of the University by providing enhanced support to teams of faculty interested in preparing and submitting large, complex grant proposals to external funding agencies.
Find CLIPP details here.

The Ignite program aims to promote new collaborative research efforts and facilitate the development of interdisciplinary teams focused on preparing competitive, large-scale collaborative proposals for significant external funding. Ignite grants seek to enhance existing areas of excellence, accelerate the development of emerging research strengths, and foster interactions between UNC Charlotte faculty and potential collaborators at other institutions.
Find details on the Ignite Planning Grants here.

Ignite for Centers (IC) grants focus on early-stage, pilot, and established University Centers to support and incentivize interdisciplinary research collaborations. The ultimate goal is to help accelerate UNC Charlotte’s success in attracting extramural funding, especially in the areas of focus and distinction identified in the Top-tier Research Commission Report.
For details on the IC grants, click here.

The Faculty Research Grants program provides is an internal seed grant program designed to assist faculty in conducting well-defined, purposeful, new research or creative or scholarly activities. Each individual project may have a maximum budget of $8,000. Faculty submitting joint proposals may request up to $16,000.
You can find the Faculty Research Grants info here.

In partnership with the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Division of Research supports Nexus. Networking Across Disciplines fosters the emergence of interdisciplinary research teams by providing faculty with structured opportunities to learn about one another’s research and brainstorm areas of mutual interest. Through a series of workshops several months apart, Nexus supports the initial stages of project development as faculty formulate shared research questions, consider analytical strategies, and identify potential funding sources.
Find more about Nexus here.

CRE maintains online resources that allow faculty to search for funding sources and list their expertise. We also perform custom funding searches and monitor and distribute print and electronic notices to faculty.
Learn more about Locating Funding on the research journey.

We can help faculty form interdisciplinary proposal teams and help you find UNC Charlotte collaborators.
Learn more about finding collaborators on the research journey.

CRE Editorial Services: We offer a range of editing and formatting services and can provide a critical reading of your proposal before it leaves campus.
Find more about Editorial Services on the Research Journey.

Bridge Funding Guidelines

Bridge Funding provides short-term financial support to faculty to span a temporary period or gap in extramural support. The funding targets productive faculty and established projects that have a track record of support and that demonstrate a high probability of continued funding by external sponsors. Thus, Bridge Funding awards are for existing, ongoing research programs that have lost funding. They are not intended to provide seed funding, support new projects or new research directions, or makeup shortfalls in active awards.

Funding Available

A maximum of $100,000 in bridge funding may be requested for 12 months. The applicant’s department or unit is expected to provide 25% of the total requested funds. The remaining 75% is split between Research and Economic Development (25%) and Academic Affairs (50%). Thus, the ratio of the cofunding is 1:1:2.


  • Full-time, tenure-track or tenured faculty with a history of extramural funding. Faculty with significant funding for other projects or from other sources are not eligible.
  • The faculty member must have been a PI on a grant-funded for at least three consecutive years by a national agency or sponsor.
  • A proposal for continued support of the project must have been submitted within 9 months of the project’s anticipated end date or new end date if the project is unexpectedly terminated. If funding ran out before the submission of a renewal/new application for extramural funding, the project is not eligible for a bridge award.

Application Materials

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Materials should be submitted as a packet to the Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development.

  • Cover letter from the PI that (1) explains the circumstances and need for bridge funding, (2) describes how the funding will increase the likelihood of a future award, and (3) documents the feedback from any unsuccessful attempts to secure funding for the project.
  • Letter of support from the applicant’s Department Chair or unit head that includes a commitment to match the funds requested.
  • An updated curriculum vitae.
  • A summary (in tabular form) of the proposals (declined and pending) submitted in the last 12 months to support the project. The summary should include the funding source/agency and the date of submission.
  • List of other sources of support available to the faculty member within the next 12 months, including internal grants and start-up funds.
  • Reviews or critiques from recent submissions.
  • A detailed budget and budget justification that includes both the bridge and matching funds.

Allowable Expenses

Bridge Awards may be used for:

  • Materials, supplies, and consumables
  • Salaries and benefits for research support staff

Bridge Awards may not be used for:

  • Travel (except to reach the research site/location)
  • Equipment or equipment repairs
  • Faculty salaries
  • Tuition
  • Consultants or subawards

Spending and Repayment

Awarded funds must be spent during the award period and in the following order: department/unit, Research and Economic Development, and Academic Affairs. No cost extensions are not permitted. If the PI receives a new award within the bridge funding period, any unexpended funds must be returned to the funding sources.

Review Process

Bridge funding applications will be reviewed by the Provost and the Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development. Priority will be given to applicants that have not received bridge funding awards in the past 5 years. Award notifications are typically made within 6 weeks of the submission date.

Artxsci Collaborative exploration Grants

Spring 2024 Request for Proposals (NOW CLOSED)

The Division of Research and the College of Arts + Architecture are pleased to announce the spring 2024 ArtXSci request for proposals. This program promotes innovative interdisciplinary research and fosters collaborations between faculty in the College of Arts + Architecture (CoAA) and scholars in STEM fields. The goal of this program is to cultivate active/intensive exchange and sustained dialogue among those engaged in artistic and scientific inquiry within the University and the broader Charlotte region.

Interdisciplinary teams can apply for one-time grants of up to $30,000 for up to 22 months. Facility and Administrative (F&A) costs are not required. We anticipate funding 2-3 awards in FY2025. Preliminary reports detailing the project activities and outcomes to date will be due on the anniversary date of the award. Final reports will be due 45 days after the end date of the project. The expected start date for FY2025 awards is August 1, 2024. The expected end date is May 31, 2026.

Proposals Due: May 31, 2024 by 5 PM.

Resources for the 2025-2026 program:

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Program

The scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) involves the disciplinary, cross-disciplinary, and inter-disciplinary study of teaching practice and student learning. UNC Charlotte’s SoTL program has an impact beyond the individual teacher, classroom, and department.

  • The Foundation Center’s “Virtual Classroom” offers several online tutorials including the following: