Office of Research Commercialization
and Partnerships (ORCP)
The Office of Research Commercialization & Partnerships (ORCP) serves as the primary gateway for intellectual capital assets and putting them to work, as well as forging industry-government-investor business relationships with university researchers.
We have five teams to help you on every phase of your research and development journey.
“We are a multifaceted office dedicated to .”
~ Greg Needham, ORCP Senior Executive Director
We fuel innovation through collaboration between UNC Charlotte’s exceptional academic talent, with industry, entrepreneurs, investors and government agencies. Industry partners benefit from co-location with our academic researchers to take advantage of synergies, state of the art offices and lab facilities. Chosen industry partners exclusively benefit from:
We fuel innovation through collaboration between UNC Charlotte’s exceptional academic talent, with industry, entrepreneurs, investors and government agencies. Industry partners benefit from co-location with our academic researchers to take advantage of synergies, state of the art offices and lab facilities. Chosen industry partners exclusively benefit from:
We take pride in celebrating the research, inventions, and commercialized intellectual property (IP) produced by UNC Charlotte faculty and students. It’s quite common for our amazing talent to generate a dozen invention disclosures and file ten patent application every quarter. Here’s just one example of commercializing research from our campus.
Let’s Connect On:
Greg Needham
ORCP Senior Executive Directorgreg.needham@charlotte.edu | 704-687-593
My Focus Areas Are: Research Partnerships
Laura A. Peter
Executive DirectorLaura.Peter@charlotte.edu 704-687-8016
Let’s Connect On:
Greg Needham
ORCP Senior Executive Director
Research Partnerships
Laura A. Peter
Executive DirectorLaura.Peter@charlotte.edu 704-687-8016
Greg Needham
ORCP Senior Executive Directorgreg.needham@charlotte.edu | 704-687-593
Laura A. Peter, J.D.ORCP
Executive DirectorLaura.Peter@charlotte.edu 704-687-8016
We are grateful for our post doc researchers who embrace inquiry, partner with faculty, and embed themselves in communities to bring forth academic scholarship.
We fuel innovation through collaboration between UNC Charlotte’s exceptional academic talent, with industry, entrepreneurs, investors and government agencies. Industry partners benefit from co-location with our academic researchers to take advantage of synergies, state of the art offices and lab facilities. Chosen industry partners exclusively benefit from:
UNC Charlotte is one of the country’s best at putting intellectual capital to work by leveraging applied research and licensing it to bring valuable technology to the marketplace. We propel innovation and economic development through: